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Thermochemical Fluids in Greenhouse Farming

Webinar “The Farming Future: Opportunities and Challenges in the Agricultural Energy Transition” – 14.03.2024

The new webinar of the AREA ZERO will be organised on 14th of March 2024 as a part of EUSEW Sustainable Energy Days. During the online event, TheGreefa together with other 2 ongoing EU-funded projects (RES4LIVE and HyPErFarm) will present the latest results in terms of improvement of energy and resource efficiency in the agricultural sector.

Agriculture is a major consumer of energy, and traditional practices can have a significant environmental impact. Farms that adopt new and sustainable technologies can further cut costs, boost self-sufficiency, and position them well for a future focused on environmental responsibility.

This webinar will put forth new and innovative solutions to create a more sustainable farming system and help farmers take the lead in the agricultural energy transition. The focus is on practical solutions and their social implications, ensuring that new technologies are adopted and well-received by the farming community.</p.

The AREAZERO cluster is the umbrella of various EU-funded projects innovating in sustainable agriculture. On the 14th of March 2024 from 2PM to 4PM CET, AREAZERO will host this online event with the following program:

  • Three ongoing EU-funded projects (RES4LIVEHyPErFarm and TheGreefa) will present their results in terms of improvement of energy and resource efficiency in the agricultural sector.
  • A panel of experts will discuss the social aspects and acceptance of the newly developed technologies.
  • Three projects (REGACEPV4Plants and Symbiosyst) will be introduced and presented as a new members of AREA ZERO.

We invite farmers, researchers, companies, investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector to join the discussion and register below.


We hope you will join us.