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Thermochemical Fluids in Greenhouse Farming


Within TheGreefa Training Programme the Training Manual was developed. This document consists of the written form of the presentation of all TheGreefa Training Modules. Read more

The final consortium meeting of TheGreefa project took place in Hannover (Germany) on the 27th of May. Read more

The Final Workshop of TheGreefa project organised on 28th of May in the Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hamelin (ISFH) close to Hannover.

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Sfera Agricola and Hyperborea Srl, the members of TheGreefa project’s Consortium responsible for Stakeholders engagement are organising the webinar TheGreefa: environmentally friendly air conditioning. It will take place on 23rd of May 2024 at 3:00-4:00PM CET.

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We are pleased to announce the recording of the last webinar organised as AREA ZERO cluster is now available on YouTube.
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The new webinar of the AREA ZERO will be organised on 14th of March 2024 as a part of EUSEW Sustainable Energy Days. During the online event, TheGreefa together with other 2 ongoing EU-funded projects (RES4LIVE and HyPErFarm) will present the latest results in terms of improvement of energy and resource efficiency in the agricultural sector.

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On behalf of theGreefa project team, we were delighted to participate in the Ecomondo The Green Technology Expo in Rimini.

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The first analysis of the European greenhouse market results from TheGreefa’s market evaluation activities. The main objectives of the study were to analyse the greenhouse farming situation in Europe concerning decarbonisation technologies and to assess in detail the market for TheGreefa Project, explore potential users and applications, and compare the technology to the ones provided by the actual competitors.

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On the 7th-10th of November 2023 in Rimini (Italy) Ecomondo – The green technology expo takes place.

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We would like to inform that the website of the AREA ZERO cluster is now available at the new address and contact with us is possible at

On 13/09/2023, TheGreefa coordinator ZHAW and the demonstration partner – Meyer Orchideen AG organised the workshop in Switzerland. The event was organised in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office for Energy (SI 502038-01 and SI 502013-01) which takes part in funding part of TheGreefa activities too.

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On 12/09/2023 TheGreefa consortium members met in Swiss Winterthur for the project’s 2nd review meeting.

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TheGreefa cordially invites you to a workshop organised on the 13th of September 2023 in Winterthur (Switzerland).

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On the 22nd of June 2023 in Brussels, the AgroFossilFree project organises its final Brokerage event where the project’s results will be also presented.
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It was an exciting opportunity to meet with the partners of TheGreefa the last week. Our 5th General Assembly took place on the 22nd-24th of May 2023 in Almeria (Spain).
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On 22nd-24th of May 2023, TheGreefa partners meet for the 5th General Assembly organised by the University of Almeria (UAL) in Almeria, Spain. Using the opportunity, the consortium visited the UAL-ANECOOP farm in Retamar to visit UAL’s experimental greenhouses.

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A new public report of TheGreefa project has been developed presenting the work motivated by the idea of developing and testing a new concept for extremely water-efficient and intensive production of agricultural goods in closed greenhouses. The basic idea is to keep water in a closed cycle or to use impure water (like pre-treated wastewater) in irrigation and to produce pure condensed water for external uses.

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The report presenting  the performance data of the Swiss demonstrator (demonstrator 1) operating with a partial automation system has been developed and delivered to be evaluated by the European Commission.

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TheGreefa project will be presented by ZHAW team during the 8th Energy Research Talks Disentis 2023 organised in Disentis (Switzerland) on 25th-27th of January 2023.

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We are happy to announce publiction of TheGreefa video. It is now available in TheGreeFa YouTube channel.

You can watch it also on our website in the main page.



We are pleased to announce that the practice abstracts of TheGreeFa project are now published in the website of the agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) with open access.

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We are working now on our 1st promotional video. In November it will be published in YouTube and here in our website. Read more

Crops transpiration produces water vapour inside greenhouses which need to be dehumidified to maintain suitable humidity. Below the main humidity control methods used in greenhouses are presented.

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TheGreeFa project will have a stand during the Zürich meets Berlin event on the 4th and 5th of November 2022 in Natural History Museum in Berlin. Read more

The video recording of our joint webinar Together towars energy-efficient and defossilised agriculture organised on 22/09/2022 by TheGreeFa, RES4LIVE and AgroFossilFree projects is now published in YouTube and in AREA ZERO website. Read more

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW2022) started today. Theres is time till 30th of September to take part in a lot of online events, but alos organised on-site in Brussels. Read more

We are delighted to invite you to a joint event organised online by 3 sister projects – TheGreeFa, RES4LIVE and AgroFossilFree on 22/09/2022, 9:30-11:00.
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On 10th-11th of May 2022, TheGreeFa consortium met in Follonica (Italy) to discuss progress of the project and prepare for the oncoming review meeting after the first 18 months of the project duration.
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The AREA ZERO’s YouTube channel is created, where we have already published recording of the 1st AREA ZERO webinar, which was organised on 24.03.2022. Read more

We publish the agenda of the AREA ZERO webinar taking place on 24th of March 2022 9:30AM – 12:00PM CET. Read more

Dear TheGreeFa followers! We would like to cordially invite you to the first AREA ZERO webinar on 24th of March 2022.
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A dryer for comestible herbs was tested in lab scale at the ZHAW facility. Read more

On the 3rd of February 2022, five EU funded projects – TheGreeFa, AgroFossilFree, AgrBioHeat, HyperFarm, RES4LIVE and Renaissance meet together online to discuss future common activites in terms of dissemiantion. Read more

On 25th of January, TheGreeFa Partners assembled online for a brainstorming meeting related to SWOT analysis. Read more

At this moment, there are ongoing works in TheGreeFa demonstrator in Tunis.

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On 29th and 30th of September 2021, TheGreeFa Partners met in ZHAW’s facilities in Winterthur (Switzerland) for the 2nd project meeting. The Consortium discussed progress after the 1st year of the project and plan for the future work.

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The absorber at the Berlin greenhouse prototype (Fig. 1) is used for approval of liquid desiccant modelling approaches.

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TheGreeFa partners have met on the 4th of February 2021 to discuss about work done so far and future tasks. Read more